Customer experience is everything. Customers that enjoy their interactions with a business are more likely to return. With this in mind, it comes as no surprise that developments in marketing are now experienced-driven, and leading customer experience brands are steam rolling their competitors.  

So, if you want to future-proof your business, keep reading because we’re about to bust some myths that might have been holding back your brand’s growth and success.  

The biggest misconceptions in the customer experience industry

‘CX is unmeasurable’

There are many ways to measure CX performance, including:

  1. Customer response rates –a good response rate from a digital survey is between 5% and 30%. This might seem low, but there are many factors which impact the results. For example, the younger demographics are more likely to respond to a digital survey than an older, 65+ demographic.
  2. Subscription renewals – a customer’s 3-month, 6-month or 12-month subscription is up, how many continue and how many leave? Measuring this can help a brand to figure out what needs changing. It might be that you don’t have an automatic renewal business model and therefore it has been missed by your customers. Lost customers can be won back – but if you don’t measure it, or consider customer experience, how would you find out?
  3. Customer loyalty/churn – find out the net promoter score (NPS) by asking customers how likely they are to refer the brand to a friend. To find out your score you need to run surveys to your customer base and analyse the data. Those that vote 0-6 are known as detractors, those that vote 7 and 8 are passives and 9-10 are promoters. The NPS score is calculated by taking the percentage of promoters and subtracting the percentage of detractors. 

Customer experience is the same as customer service

Although a vital element of customer experience, customer service is not the entire concept. Customer service offers support to customer queries which may be before or after buying or using a product, whereas customer experience starts before a customer has created an account or carried out a conversion. Customer experience lasts throughout their time with a brand, and only ends should a customer unsubscribe or cancel a subscription renewal, for example.  

Customer experience only occurs post-conversion

Customers interact with companies before they become loyal customers; customers like to check companies out first before investing in them. The customer experience starts from the moment they realise they want or need a certain product or service that your brand offers, and from the moment they become aware of your brand. Once a customer begins searching for this product or service, it’s likely that your brand will serve them ads – and this is all part of their customer experience journey.  

Low prices improve customer experience

Who doesn’t love a bargain? But it’s a myth that low prices improve customer experience. Customers want quality products and services, as well as a good price.  
And some customers will even pay more for a product if they know that their customer experience is going to be nothing but great. Take Amazon, for example, people buy items from them regardless of price, because the experience is so smooth and reliable. Customer can receive their package the next day, they will already have an account set up and, if they have a problem with their item, returns are simple. This is all part of the customer experience.  

Customer experience is a viable way to beat your competitors and there are many ways you can do this: 

  1. Be mobile-friendly and AI-driven to enhance CX 
  2. Allow for personalisation  
  3. Make the customer journey seamless 
  4. Obtain customer information as often as you can to develop and grow 

Taking customer experience above and beyond

Are your customers experiencing long wait times? Do they have unresolved issues? Do they get frustrated by chat bots and too much automation?  

 Take your customer experience above and beyond with Diversity Creative. Everything we do is with your customers’ experience in mind, meaning we can reduce the friction and resolve challenges that your customers face when interacting with your brand, all while increasing customer loyalty and satisfaction.

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